First Grade Classroom Supplies
Please label each individual item with your child’s name.
Use a permanent marker.
- 1 pencil box (no zippers) Medium in size. (approx. 8” x 5”)
- One dozen sharpened #2 pencils (traditional yellow, wooden style)
- 2 large pink pearl type erasers
- 1 pair of scissors
- 5 Large Elmer’s glue sticks (.77 oz. size) (NOT THE SMALL SIZE)
- 1 bottle of white Elmer’s glue (4 oz.)
- 4 boxes of - 24 Crayola crayons (classic/traditional colors)
- 1 box of Crayola markers- classic colors (fat style)
- Four paper (NOT plastic) folders: 3-prong with pockets
- (label name on front, right, top)
- 1 composition notebook (marble cover-any color)
- Set of headphones (over the ear kind, not ear buds, $5 or less)
- Large box/ Family Size of tissues
- 2 dry erase markers, low odor
- 1 new white cotton sock, child size (to be used as eraser for dry erase board)
- Large roll of paper towels (ALL)
- One box of gallon Ziploc bags (ONLY- Last name alphabet A-H)
- One box of quart size Ziploc bags (ONLY - Last name alphabet I- L)
- One box of sandwich size baggies (ONLY - Last name alphabet M-S)
- One box of snack size baggies (ONLY - Last name alphabet T-Z)
- 1 Fine point black Sharpie permanent marker
Thank you for writing your child’s name on each individual item. J